Mar 23, 2012

Hunger Games Nail Art Series - Mockingjay

Hello and Happy Hunger Games! :D
I bet the premiere in the USA is now over, I'm not sure with the time difference and all :P 
I'm so jealous of you guys, who have seen the movie already!!!! I want it too!
At least I'll show you what I would have worn on my nails, if I went to the movie last night! :)
Every HG-Fan knows the Mockingjay pin Katniss is wearing as part of her outfit, but just for the ones who don't know, here it is:
It's awesome! I actually want a real Mockingjay pin, to wear it on my clothes..or maybe a necklace? :D
Anyways, it took me forever to do this one on my nails, because it is a lot harder than the geometrical Capitol eagle, which has just straight lines :P The next problem was, that I don't own a good gold polish, so I just went with yellow. Ok, I'll stop talking now, here is my mani:
The other fingers are a bit hard to explain =)) First I'll tell you what I used: Essence - Grand-Plié in Black, Essence - Sundancer for the Mockingajy, Milani 3D Holo - 3D for the arrow, 1 coat of China Glaze - Ruby Pumps over Essence - GP in Black and finally 1 coat of Flormar Crackle in yellow.
"It's not a regular crackle effect!" - you might say, and it's right. I accidently bumped one of my fingers with the crackle against the table (again^^) and the red glitter smeared all over the yellow. I liked it so much that I touched the crackle on purpose with my fingers, til it looked like in the pics. I added 1 or 2 drops of Ruby Pumps in one or 2 spots and tadaa! It looks like an abstract fire :D Or more like something IS on fire. 
Well, it does say in the book: "Katniss, the girl on fire!" ;)  
And all of this, because I was to lazy to do actual flames at 3 am at night :P

Hope you like it! Later today, I'll post another district manicure! 
See ya ;) 


  1. Love the mani. & I think a necklace would be awesome ^_^

    1. Thanks! Would be so awesome right? :D I hope I'll find one someday :)

  2. This is great! I was at the midnight premier at IMAX last night. I must say that you will not be disappointed.

    1. Thanks! I'm so jealous :D I hope I can watch it soon too ;)

  3. Very cool!!! The crackle nails do remind me of fire, but even more like the earth crumbling apart. So awesome!

    1. Thanks! And you're right, it kinda looks like that :D

  4. I'm going to nail art shop to do this for me hahaha!

  5. I love these the best! I have already tried your Effie Trinket ones but these are definitely next!

    If you are still looking for a good gold h&m do a fantastic one! I'm on my third pot in a year! x

    1. Thanks! Have fun doing these :D And thanks for the tip about the gold polish ;) I'll have to look for it :D


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