May 7, 2012


Yep, finally I'll reveal to you, what I was so excited about. 
Ever since I started blogging and my collection of nail polishes grew, I wanted this ... badly!

I teased my followers on twitter and facebook a bit and showed them some sneak peeks of this post and now you can see all of it! 
 What are those mysterious packages? Detective Kiara is about to find out ! :D 

Well, they do have something to do with this: 
 Well, of course, what else could it be on a nail polish related blog =))

After unpacking and putting it together etc. it looked like this: 
Ahaa! :D Now you know what it is right? ;)
Nail Polish racks!!! Yaaay ! (actually they're display cabins for collectibles ...but nail polishes are like collectibles, right? :D)
First I tried to order them by color, but it didn't look good, so I did it by Brand and by Alphabet ...just like I have them on my list. Yes, I have a list :D 
Tadaa! The finished look! God, I love it...every time I walk by, I stare at them and can't believe they're all mine :D 
Now that I see them all together I realize how many I have ...gosh, I'm crazy :)) 
I only have to decorate the racks a little bit now (one of them has a little defect) and then they're perfect :) 

How do you store your nail polishes?


  1. I need this. Badly. Badly! I have to do something like this ASAP. It would be so great to watch all the polishes.

    Btw, great collection. :)

    1. It is sooo great! After almost 2 years I finally have them. I hope you get something like this ASAP!! :D
      And thank you ;)

  2. Very pretty! But you already need more, ha ha! I store mine in drawers made for crafters (melmers), but now my glitter collection is pushing the nail polish out of the way, LOL. :)

    1. Thanks :D I actually told my mom, that I'd need only 2 .. maaan, was I wrong =)) I need 2 more, to be safe ;)
      And lol :D Such a big glitter collection hm ? That's cool :D

  3. Ahhh this is so cool!!!! :D

  4. Wow - even the large flormar ones fit into these!
    To be honest: I'm kinda jealous. (;
    I plan to build my own nail polish rack, hopefully it's gonna work!


    1. Unbelievable, right? I didn't even think they could fit, I thought I'd put them on top of the racks from the start :P
      I keep my fingers crossed, that your rack's gonna work out! I'm sure it will ;)

  5. I have 2 melmers. The displays are nice! Displays seem to hold quite a bit but you may be in need of something more practical soon.

    1. I had one helmer before :) They hold a lot, but I don't plan do buy many more polishes so I just get 2 more of these and that should cover it :)

  6. Awesome! Love it. My nail polish rack got packed up so now they're all jumbled in a big storage tub. Wah.

  7. Wow! Gorgeous! It's usable wall art! :)

  8. ooooh good idea and they look so good too! x

  9. Where did you get this?! I need one! x

    1. In Germany @Baumarkt. That's a hardware store and my mom saw them and told me about them :D

    2. These might be what I'm looking for, thanks for sharing!
      Could you please be more specific about what kind of Baumarkt, full name, possibly with a link, and I suppose it's for the bathroom? Do you have a name for the cabinet?
      And any other information would be great thanks :)
      I have mine on acrylic steps and drawers, but like to have a wall, but without having to dust them all the time LOL

    3. It's called MAX BAHR and here is the link:, but I didn't buy it online and I don't think you can order it online. It's not for the bathroom, it's a cabinet for collectibles. Those actually were some kind of left-over cabinets. They were reduced from 25€ to 20€.
      Sorry, that's all I know :)
      It's really practical with the glass front, because you don't have to dust them off ;)

    4. Thank you so much, I just been to Germany LOL - but plan a one-day trip in June, so I'll check where there are stores in the area I go to - again thanks :)

  10. Oh my gosh I'm so jealous! I've been searching for a way to store/organize my polishes and haven't found anything yet :/ I've got them all thrown in a giant tote bag which is not good considering all the glass!!

    1. Yea that's not so good :/ I stored them in a helmer from IKEA before. It's a good way to store them, but I like to see them in front of me :) I hope you'll find a way to organize your polishes!!

  11. This is so cool haha it makes me want to raid your stash though :P
    Oh I have a list too :P I don't have half as many polishes but the list is so handy to have :) I organize mine by brand too. The bottles look so much better that way :D

    1. Oh no! =))) But thanks :P It's very handy to have a list! I have it with me when I go shopping too :D And yes, it looks better ;)

  12. What a great looking rack, I love it! I store mine in a melmer!

    1. Thanks! Melmers/helmers are a good storage solution as well :)

  13. It looks really cool! I store my polishes in boxes on the floor :)

    1. Thanks! That's how I stored them in the beginning as well! :D

  14. ich hab auch eine, aber die ist noch nicht voll :D
    find ich die schönste idee zum aufbewahren, obwohl lacke ja nicht ans licht dürfen :)

    1. Find ich auch! Sieht einfach toll aus ;) Zum Glück fällt da auch nicht so viel Licht hin ;)

  15. Wow, that looks great! I think you're going to spend so much time standing in front of that, admiring all your bottles ;-)
    My polish is just stored in three boxes, nothing exciting or fancy ;-(

    1. Oh, I do!!! Every time I walk by I stop for a minute and look at them :P
      I stored them that way too before! It was quite practical until I had to many :))

  16. I love that you have a list. I should really do that!

    1. It's awesome! So easy to keep track of all your polishes ;)

  17. oh that's great!
    it looks incredibly awesome and who doesn't love to display their polishes?
    I've got mine on a shelf, jsut in front of the girls magazines ;)

    xoxo Jen

    1. Right?! :D And yours sounds good too :)

  18. whoaaa nice! i have all of mine in a melmer. as much as i love the way you have yours stored, i like to keep mine out of sight just cause my parents think my shoe collection is insane as is LOL

    1. Lol! Now everyone who is visiting me, will know in a second that I'm crazy =))

  19. Oh my god my dream! I need to get these! My polish situation is becoming ridiculous.... I need a new solution! Fabulous find you got there!

    1. Thank you!! I hope you find something similar!! Or maybe you can build yourself one? ;)


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