Oct 11, 2012

Halloween NA Challenge: Candy Corn

Like the title already says, today's theme is "Candy Corn" and I have to admit that I had no clue what to do for this. I've never eaten Candy Corn in my entire life and I had no idea how it really looked like (until I googled it) ...I just new it was something orange/yellow from other nail art I've seen so far. 
I was very uninspired and that's why today's nail art is not my best work ^^ 

For the gradient I used a white base and sponged Essence - Sundancer and Essence - Get the Fever on top. 

So this is it, I removed it immediately after I took the photos, just so I could paint my nails with the spiderman design :D (Which I like much better than this one)

You better go check out the other ladies and look at what they came up with ;) 


  1. This looks great, I love it! :) Gradient is one of my favourite nail art.

  2. I felt just the same about this candy corn! Hahaha I didn't know it until I google it either! haha and I did a gradient manicure and take them off after take the pictures! hahaha My candy Corn theme was the one I didn't like so much haha
    But I liked yours, it's better than mine! hehe
    kisses =*

    1. Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one :D But yours looked awesome too! So much smoother ;)

  3. it looks just like candy corn! you must not be in the US...I'll send you some candy corn. ;) we even have candy corn M&Ms.

    1. Candy corn M&Ms??? wow :D No I don't live in the US that's why I didn't knew them :)

  4. I can't believe you've never had candy corn! It's sweet sugary goodness. Haha. Love the mani

    1. Mhmm that sounds so good! I'll get a package with some candy corn soon, now I can't wait :D And thank you! :)

  5. I have no idea what corn candy is, I strongly believe it's sometihing unhealthy :D
    But this is a lovely manicure! Don't be so hard on yourself! :)
    X Deja


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