Dec 25, 2011

A short look back on to the Christmas Challenge

Hey there! :D 
Hope you had a great time so far with your family and loved ones, and that Santa brought you some great presents ;) 
I put all the challenges in one photo and I also created a page with all the photos with a link back to their original post ;) (It's up there next to my Stash List and all the other stuff ;) )

See ya ! ;) 


  1. Hey this is really cool! I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to do this. I loved all your designs!

  2. Thank you so much! Maybe I can help you out? :)

  3. I'm still trying to catch up on commenting, so this is way too late, but I wanted to say you did such a great job with this challenge!
    I love the Snowman Faces, Reindeer, Sleigh, Day 24... yeah! :D

  4. Thank you so much! :D and it's never too late! I appreciate you taking the time to comment ;)


Hello you, yes you! I love reading your comments, so don't be shy, just leave me one ;)